Delicious Recipes with Ripe and Unripe Mangoes

Mangoes are a delicious and versatile fruit that can be used in a variety of recipes. Whether you're looking for a sweet treat or a savory dish, there are plenty of recipes that use both ripe and unripe mangoes. From traditional Indian dishes like mango pickles (aam ka achar) and Aamras ki Kadhi to salads, lentils, and rice dishes, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the flavor of mangoes. Raw mangoes contain more vitamin C than ripe mangoes, making them a great choice for those suffering from anemia.

The acidity of raw mangoes also pairs well with the sweetness of tomatoes and the spicy flavor of ginger. Raw mangoes also contain pectin, which is found in other fruits such as berries and apples, making them good for your heart. When choosing mangoes for recipes, it's important to select the right type. For drinks, desserts, or candies, avoid using half-ripe or slightly sweet mangoes as they can cause stomach discomfort.

For chutney or pickles, you may use either ripe or unripe mangoes. Aamras ki Kadhi is a delicious mix of raw mango puree, buttermilk, and besan, along with a host of other spices and chilies. It's quick and easy to prepare and makes a great side dish. Another popular recipe is Toor dal from Uttar Pradesh, which is prepared with pieces of raw mangoes and spices and finished with warm crunchy curry leaves.

So choose your favorite mango recipe and enjoy the delicious flavor of this versatile fruit! Whether it's any of the popular mango recipes such as aamras, lassi with mango, amrakhand, mango ice cream or mango kulfi, you're sure to find something that will tantalize your taste buds.

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